Homeowner's Association Dues may be paid by cash, check, or money order to:

Poplar Creek HOA
P.O. Box 210945
Nashville, TN 37221-0945.

You may also pay online by directing your financial institution to the HOA address. Dues are $280.00

Late fees of $10/month will be assessed after January 15, 2023.

Bylaws, Covenants, and Restrictions

Below are the links to the PCE Covenants and Restrictions: the first leads to a scanned version of the complete PCE Covenants and Restrictions, followed by a typed version of the full document, and lastly a partial synopsis of key sections.

In addition to the Covenants and Restrictions that govern our neighborhood, the PCE Homeowners' Association Board is further guided by bylaws.

PCE Covenants and Restrictions Original
PCE Covenants and Restrictions Typed
PCE Covenants and Restrictions Summary
PCE Board Bylaws